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Here is a payroll debit card. It is a pre-paid debit card used to pay employees their payroll wages.

Payroll Cards – Payouts made simpler and seamless

Picture this scenario – a collections agency appointed by a lender has hired 1000+ feet-on-street (FOS) workforce to facilitate collections from delinquent customers. The dilemma in front of the agency is that almost 60% of these FOS contract workers don’t have a formal savings bank account. How do you manage to pay their salaries? 

In recent times we have witnessed the rise of the gig economy which consists of consultants, freelancers and  blue collared workforce. As per a NITI Aayog report, in India, the gig workforce is expected to expand to 2.35 crore workers by 2029-30. According to Statista’s 2021 report, India has the second largest unbanked population in the world at a staggering 20% of the population. The above facts and figures coupled together provide a massive opportunity for financial inclusion, perhaps one of the reasons why India has seen green shoots in the Fintech sector, which at large, is trying to solve for the financial inclusion of the new to bank & new to credit base of the population.

The answer to the above challenges lies in a payroll card. Payroll cards are prepaid cards that employers use to load an employee’s salary or wages in lieu of a formal cheque. The funds are distributed each payday, providing an alternative to direct deposit for those who cannot or will not hold a traditional account. Payroll cards are always reloadable, which means a worker uses the same card all the time instead of being issued a new card each payday.

Employees can conveniently access their wages with this setup without the need to maintain an account with a financial institution. They can receive their funds instantly, sometimes up to 48 hours early, depending on the issuer of the card.  They don’t need to worry about carrying large sums of cash to purchase necessary items. This also helps enterprises and MSMEs to promote digitisation of payments in-line with the government’s Digital India mission. 

The Pros and Cons of Payroll cards

As with any system of compensation, organisations and employees need to be aware of the  pros and cons of payroll cards before using or implementing this type of system. Here are the crucial points to consider:


Benefits of Payroll cards:





Challenges of Payroll cards:



In conclusion, Payroll cards become the logical choice for enterprises and corporations who have a sizable workforce new to the financial ecosystem. They are easy to issue, can be modularized as per the requirements of the enterprise and help in fund management both for the employees and the employer. This can also become an alternate revenue channel for enterprises.

At CARD91, we offer a flexible, robust & scalable full- stack card issuance platform. We work closely with Fintechs & enterprises to help them launch new age card programs in the shortest possible turnaround time (TAT) supporting multiple use cases such as Expense Management & corporate cards, and Payroll Cards to name a few. Our platform is agile which helps us stitch together a custom card program as per the needs of the client. 


Still struggling with employee & vendor payouts? Get in touch with sales@card91.io to understand how we can help you transform your payouts to your employees & vendors.


Authored by Bhushan Sawant, Director, Sales & Partnership

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The Evolution of Prepaid Cards: Empowering Financial Inclusion and Digital Transactions in India and Beyond


Prepaid cards have experienced a remarkable transformation over the past few decades, emerging as a powerful tool in the financial landscape. Originally introduced as a convenient means for gifting and travel, these cards have evolved with advancements in technology to meet the changing consumer needs.

Prepaid Cards in India:

In India, prepaid cards have had a significant rise in popularity due to their numerous benefits. Initially embraced as a safe and convenient alternative to carrying cash, these cards quickly became prevalent in various sectors, from retail and transportation to online shopping. Their proliferation was further accelerated by the expansion of the country’s digital infrastructure.

One pivotal moment in the evolution of prepaid cards in India was the advent of e-commerce and the widespread adoption of mobile wallets. Leading banks and fintech companies integrated prepaid cards into their mobile applications, enabling users to make quick and secure digital transactions. This integration propelled prepaid cards into the forefront of India’s burgeoning digital payment ecosystem.

The Indian government also played a crucial role in promoting prepaid cards to drive financial inclusion. Millions of unbanked and underbanked individuals gained access to digital financial services by advocating for their adoption in government schemes and benefits disbursement. Prepaid cards became a gateway to the formal banking system, empowering individuals previously excluded from traditional financial services.

Prepaid Cards on the Global Stage:

The transformation of prepaid cards is not limited to India alone; it has reverberated globally. Prepaid cards have become an integral part of the financial landscape in many countries, catering to a diverse range of consumer needs. They have emerged as an alternative to traditional bank accounts for the unbanked and underbanked population, providing access to vital financial services.

The rapid growth of e-commerce and the increasing demand for seamless digital transactions have fueled the global adoption of prepaid cards. Payment processors and fintech companies have collaborated to issue virtual prepaid cards, making online shopping more accessible and secure for consumers worldwide. These cards have played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between individuals and the digital economy.

Another significant application of prepaid cards globally is in the travel industry. Prepaid travel cards have become the preferred choice for international travellers, offering favourable exchange rates and enhanced security. They provide a practical alternative to carrying foreign currency, enabling travellers to make hassle-free transactions.

Expanding Functionality and Rewards:

Today, prepaid cards have expanded their functionalities beyond basic transactions to address evolving consumer preferences. Many prepaid cards now incorporate rewards programs, cashback offers, and other loyalty benefits. These additional features aim to attract and retain users, fostering a sense of value and engagement.


The evolution of prepaid cards in India and globally has been transformative, empowering financial inclusion and enabling seamless digital transactions.

As prepaid cards continue to adapt to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements, they are poised to play an increasingly significant role in shaping the future of the financial landscape. With their convenience, security, and versatile functionalities, prepaid cards will continue empowering individuals and businesses alike, fostering financial inclusion and contributing to the growth of the digital economy.

Card91 presents a diverse collection of prepaid cards, catering to both domestic and international transactions, accompanied by a convenient switch system. Our integrated solutions empower businesses and authorised dealers with effortless operations, facilitating a wide range of applications. To gain a deeper understanding of our innovative solution, please contact us at sales@card91.io. Our team will be delighted to assist you and explore how our offerings can cater to your specific requirements.

Let’s unlock new possibilities together!

-Written By Khushboo Bakhru, Partnership & Sales

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New to Credit – A millennial’s wishlist from Credit Cards

After reading Amit’s blogpost that projects a whopping doubling of the credit card customer base within the next 4 years, I could not help but wonder which is the major segment of India’s population that could qualify as “The Aspirational Indians”. It didn’t take me a lot of effort. With the cues that the economic growth of India is throwing at us – premiumisation trend, luxury / revenge travel, rising number of entrepreneurs, etc. – I could easily conclude that it’s the Gen-Z that’s driving credit card growth.


Okay, now how do you lure this class of potential credit card customers? I remember students of top B-schools getting free credit cards from established issuers. But what about the rest of the young aspirationals? We all know there’s enough competition with some legacy Issuers who’ve got the proverbial “first-mover advantage”, but that also implies they’ve got the legacy systems! How can the next generation of Issuers work using first principles and craft a lean and superior product? We, at CARD91, will surely answer this question in the next few days to come ☺


However, for now, let’s just focus on the specific preferences, lifestyle, and spending habits of this demographic. Here are some features that I felt could be appealing:


Instant Card Issuance:

Millennials hate to wait! If an Issuer imbibes this core principle, a major advantage over legacy Issuers is already gained. Quick and easy application processes with instant card issuance for immediate use are absolutely non-negotiable for Gen Z.


Credit Card on UPI:

Although one may be new to credit card, UPI is omnipresent now! Gen Z is pretty familiar and comfortable using UPI and therefore, this is one of the must-have features to capture the market especially when the legacy issuers are still struggling to make it functional.


Reward Programs for Online Shopping, Food Delivery, Dining, and Entertainment:

Tailored rewards or cashback for online shopping on popular e-commerce platforms, special discounts on food delivery services or dining at partnered restaurants, and exclusive access to movie theatres, streaming services, music subscriptions, and live events are a must have!


Low Forex Markup for International Travel:

Unlike the previous generations, Gen Z is more keen to discover the world from an early age. Since it may still not be earning much, a LOW / ZERO FX mark-up feature on credit cards is surely a hotseller!


Travel Rewards for International or Domestic Trips:

Millennials are explorers in the true sense – domestic or international travel is always on their mind, and on the cards 🙂. Travel-related benefits such as discounts on domestic flights, hotel bookings, or holiday packages within India, exclusive lounge access, and waiver on fuel surcharge are needed in every credit card targeted at this generation.


Local Lifestyle Perks:

Millennials consider work-life balance very important in their overall well-being and are spoilt for choices when it comes to including “life” in their lifestyle! An Issuer must get into partnerships with local brands, gyms, spas, or wellness services to provide discounts or exclusive offers.


Financial Management Tools:

Millennials are eager to learn about building a large corpus. Budgeting features, spending insights, and real-time notifications to help cardholders manage their finances effectively can be a good attraction. An educational initiative on how to get maximum benefit from a credit card by being a transactor can help. Also, a tie-up with any personal finance assistant offering discounted or complimentary services is a plus point.


Customized Offers:

Millennials love personalized experiences! AI-led tailored promotions and discounts based on spending patterns and preferences can be a good draw.


Gamified Rewards:

Accelerated rewards with increasing spends and other milestones can hold this generation’s interest and drive higher card usage.


Language and Regional Support:

Although we are a large, English speaking nation, there’s an even larger chunk of population (Gen Z included) that still prefers Hindi or a local language. To create that “wow” factor, the Issuer can offer customer service and mobile app interfaces that support multiple languages and cater to regional preferences. 


Student-focused Features:

Career development is an important focus area for this generation. The Issuer that can give access to online courses, career-building resources, student discounts, or networking events to support professional growth will surely have an edge over others.


Flexible Credit Limits:

Millennials are either yet to start their professional journey or are in a very early stage. Cards that allow for flexible credit limits based on income and spending habits, giving users more control, are certainly more acceptable.


Green Initiatives:

With the increasing exposure to sustainability initiatives in academic institutions over the last few years, even my daughter teaches a lesson or two to me! Issuers offering cards manufactured in an eco-friendly manner or those with features that contribute to environmental causes will be able to emotionally connect with Gen Z millennials!


Collaborations with Local Influencers:

This generation has a far more extensive online social presence than physical presence. Partnering with popular local influencers or celebrities who are active online for exclusive offers and promotions can drive higher card usage.


Understanding the local culture, preferences, and the unique challenges faced by millennials in India is crucial to design the right credit card product that resonates with this demography. Additionally, keeping up with the rapidly evolving digital landscape and incorporating technology-driven solutions will likely appeal to the tech-savvy nature of millennials.


If you’re an Issuer, no time better than the present to launch a credit card product for this generation. 


Authored by Shailabh Kothari, Director – Sales and Alliances at CARD91

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Design Thinking in Credit Card Stack Development: Creating User-Centric Experiences

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, where customer expectations are continually shifting, developing credit card stacks requires a strategic approach that places users at the center. Design thinking emerges as a powerful methodology for crafting credit card solutions that not only meet but exceed user expectations. Let’s explore how design thinking principles can be applied to create credit card stacks that resonate with modern consumers, leveraging the elements provided below:



1. Empowering Credit Card Issuance: A Unified Approach with One-Stop TSP Full Stack

A cohesive credit card issuance ecosystem is essential for seamless operations. By adopting a One-Stop Technology Service Provider (TSP) approach, integrating components like switch/processor, CCMS, UPI, ACS for 3DS, NCMC, Bank portal, co-brand portal, and a cardholder Mobile App, financial institutions can streamline processes and enhance user experiences. This consolidation enhances efficiency and provides a unified experience for both customers and financial institutions.


2. Modular Flexibility: Tailoring Solutions to Specific Needs

Every bank has unique requirements when it comes to credit card offerings. Modular flexibility allows banks to cherry-pick modules according to their needs, whether it’s a Rewards Engine, Instalment Plan/EMI module, NPA Management, or the entire stack. This approach ensures that the credit card solution aligns perfectly with the bank’s objectives and target market.


3. Highly Configurable for Diverse Credit Card Programs

Credit card programs cater to different customer segments and needs. They also work with different cobrand partners to power different use cases. A highly configurable credit card stack enables banks to orchestrate diverse programs seamlessly. Whether it’s secured/unsecured, retail/business/corporate, or charge/credit cards, the stack can adapt to different program requirements. This configurability empowers financial institutions to offer tailored solutions that resonate with their target audience.


4. Delivering a Fintech-Like User Experience

In today’s digital era, user experience is paramount. A customer-centric approach to mobile app design and user journey is essential for success. From DIY features to 100% digital onboarding, the mobile app must be intuitive, seamless, and user-friendly. By prioritizing user experience, banks can enhance engagement, loyalty, and satisfaction among their customers, setting themselves apart in a crowded market.


5. Rapid Implementation and Seamless Integration

Time is of the essence in credit card stack deployment. Banks need solutions that offer faster implementation, customization, and integration with minimal manual intervention. A well-designed stack should seamlessly integrate with existing systems like CBS, CRM, IVR, FRM, Collections System, Mobile Banking App, and Net Banking portal. This integration ensures operational efficiency and a cohesive user experience across all channels.


6. Rule-Based Operations: Ensuring Compliance and Personalisation

Compliance and personalization are two cornerstones of credit card operations. Rule-based systems within the credit card stack facilitate validations for regulatory compliance, including co-branding arrangements. Moreover, these systems allow for personalized actions at both aggregate and single-account levels, along with event-based notifications for consent and alerts, ensuring transparency and proactive communication with users.


7. Leveraging ML/AI for Real-Time Actions

Integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence enhances the capabilities of credit card stacks. Real-time actions such as fraud risk management and personalization of rewards/offers become more effective and efficient with ML/AI algorithms. By leveraging data analytics, banks can promptly detect fraudulent activities while delivering targeted offers that resonate with individual users, thereby increasing engagement and satisfaction.


8. Future Compatibility and Innovation

Anticipating future innovations and regulatory changes is crucial in the ever-evolving landscape of finance. A well-designed credit card stack is built from first principles, with scalability and adaptability to accommodate future advancements. For example, customization to support emerging technologies like Credit Line Management on UPI ensures that the stack remains future-proof, enabling banks to stay ahead of the curve while minimising costs.


In conclusion, design thinking offers a holistic approach to credit card stack development, emphasizing user-centricity, innovation, and efficiency. By embracing modular flexibility, configurability, and advanced technologies, financial institutions can create credit card solutions that not only meet the demands of today’s consumers but also adapt seamlessly to upcoming demand.


Authored by Astha Bishnoi, Manager – Partnership & Sales at CARD91

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Revolutionising Credit Offerings Through Credit Line on UPI

UPI has emerged as India’s preferred payment method, constituting >75%* of the nation’s digital payment by volume. So far, UPI transactions were supported by various funding accounts like savings accounts, overdraft accounts, prepaid wallets, and Rupay Credit Cards. Now, a new addition has entered the UPI ecosystem.


Effective April 6th, 2023, the RBI has authorised Scheduled Commercial Banks to facilitate UPI payments using pre-sanctioned credit lines. According to the circular, “It is now proposed to expand the scope of UPI by enabling transfer to / from pre-sanctioned credit lines at banks, in addition to deposit accounts. In other words, UPI network will facilitate payments financed by credit from banks. This can reduce the cost of such offerings and help in development of unique products for Indian markets.” ** 

Credit Line on UPI gives the retail banking customer access to credit in the most convenient fashion – no long-drawn onboarding process, no learning curve and doesn’t take up space in their wallet. In short, a pre-sanctioned credit line simply works like the extension of an existing banking relationship. Coupled with UPI which is the most accessible, powerful, and easy-to-use payment channel in the country, it provides a seamless and efficient way to perform transactions that is sure to bring more citizens into the fold of credit.

For the banks, this presents a new business avenue by unlocking an additional revenue stream with better unit economics, thanks to lower operational overhead. However, for the banks, taking Credit Line on UPI functionality live is not without challenges – the existing Loan Management Systems do not necessarily allow management of Revolving Limit, customising Credit Card Management System to suit the needs of the Credit Line product can be cumbersome and the existing Core Banking System for Overdraft might not be able to handle the required throughput.

This is why banks need a modern, modular, scalable and highly configurable solution that supports a variety of credit line product types. CARD91’s Credit Line Management System offers everything your bank needs to take Credit Line on UPI live for your customers.

Our Credit Line Management System is guided by three principles:
  1. Highly Configurability: CARD91’s highly configurable CLMS platform enables issuers to design and customise credit schemes, supporting various product types including interest-free, interest-bearing, fixed-term loans, and revolving credit to cater to diverse target segments.
  2. Modularity: Our modular framework empowers issuers to effortlessly customise, expand, and integrate features, ensuring a solution that can evolve with your dynamic business requirements.
  3. Regulatorily Compliance: CARD91’s CLMS platform is compliant with the regulator’s guidelines pertaining to digital lending. Our configurable setup makes adapting to new regulations a breeze. 


What’s more?


> Easily integrate with your banking systems: CARD91’s CLMS allows seamless incorporation of Credit Line on UPI workflows into your existing banking processes. This includes easy management of credit lines through your issuer portal and seamless integration of CARD91’s SDKs with your mobile app/net banking.


> Certified for UPI 2.0: Our UPI switch is NPCI-certified for UPI 2.0 and is pre-integrated with CARD91’s credit line management system. If the bank already uses a UPI switch, it can be seamlessly integrated with our CLMS.


This is how your bank can go live with Credit Line on UPI in three simple steps using CARD91’s Credit Line Management System:



  1. Create Credit Scheme

Create a credit scheme on the CLMS portal by defining the credit line product type, account type, and associated templates for fees, billing, EMI, etc.

2. Define Pre-sanctioned Credit Limits

Assign pre-sanctioned credit limits for customers via Bulk Upload / APIs and seek consent before the customer can avail the credit line.


3. Allow discovery of credit line accounts via APIs

Our Account Management APIs facilitate comprehensive credit line lifecycle management, encompassing the discovery, activation, and usage of Credit Line on UPI.


In embracing Credit Line on UPI, banks can leverage the transformative shift happening in India’s digital payment landscape. The potential impact this can bring about is three-fold:


  1. CL on UPI can open up access to credit in rural India through sachet credit line offerings, thereby creating a new wave of financial inclusion.
  2. ETB customers who are non-users of any credit facility, but uses UPI can now be nudged to use Credit Line on UPI, given how simple and effortless the shift is.
  3. Through purpose-based lending that Credit Line on UPI offers (powered by CARD91’s CLMS Transaction Control Module), banks can ensure that the credit usage happens for the intended purpose.


By leveraging UPI’s widespread adoption and integrating pre-sanctioned credit lines seamlessly into everyday transactions, banks not only enhance customer convenience but also unlock new avenues for revenue growth.


CARD91’s Credit Line Management System offers a robust framework to Issuer Banks to navigate these complexities brought about in managing Pre-sanctioned Credit Lines as per board policy and empower them to pioneer this next evolution in retail banking.



* https://redseer.com/newsletters/trends-reshaping-indias-payment-landscape/

** https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_PressReleaseDisplay.aspx?prid=55473 and https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=12532&Mode=0


Authored by Praveen Varghese, Product Manager at CARD91

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Data Privacy in Fintech: Balancing Innovation with Consumer Protection in the Indian Market

In a world that has moved to the internet and the mobile, data privacy is paramount. This is more evident in financial services. As India embraces digital financial services, the volume of sensitive consumer data has soared. Protecting this data is essential not only for regulatory compliance but also for building and maintaining consumer trust. Robust data privacy practices prevent financial crimes such as identity theft and fraud, ensuring the integrity of financial systems, and the security of customers.


The Significance of Data Privacy in Indian Fintech

The digital transformation of financial services in India has led to an explosion in the amount of sensitive consumer data being collected, processed, and stored. Ensuring the privacy and security of this data is vital for maintaining consumer trust and preventing financial crimes such as identity theft and fraud.


Challenges in Prioritising Data Privacy While Fostering Innovation

Regulatory Compliance: The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023, aims to provide a robust framework for data protection. Fintech companies must navigate these regulations, requiring significant expertise and resources to ensure compliance without stifling innovation.

Data Security: With rising cyber threats, fintech firms must prioritise data security. Implementing advanced security measures like encryption, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits is crucial to protect consumer data from breaches.

Transparency and Consent: Consumers are increasingly concerned about data usage. Fintech companies must ensure transparency in their practices and obtain explicit consent from users for utilising their personal information for various analysis, which can be challenging in a rapidly evolving industry.

Balancing Personalisation and Privacy: Personalisation enhances user experiences but requires access to detailed consumer data. Fintech companies must balance data utilisation for personalisation with respecting consumer privacy, ensuring that customer data is protected at all times.


Strategies for Prioritising Data Privacy at CARD91



  1. Embedding Privacy into Product Development: CARD91 integrates data privacy considerations from the initial design phase of all products and services, ensuring inherent protection of consumer data.
  2. Advanced Security Technologies: CARD91 deploys cutting-edge security technologies, including AI for threat detection and end-to-end encryption, to safeguard consumer data from cyber threats and breaches.
  3. Regular Privacy Audits and Assessments: Frequent privacy audits and assessments help CARD91 evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of its data protection measures, identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities promptly.
  4. Employee Training and Awareness Programs: Ongoing training and awareness programs for employees foster a culture of privacy awareness, ensuring all staff members understand their role in protecting consumer data.
  5. Consumer Education and Transparency: CARD91 prioritises transparency by clearly communicating its data privacy practices to consumers and providing educational resources to help them understand their rights and protection measures.
  6. Robust Incident Response Plan: A comprehensive incident response plan enables swift and effective action in the event of a data breach, minimising its impact on consumers.

By focusing on these key strategies, CARD91 ensures that data privacy remains a top priority while fostering innovation in the Indian fintech market. This approach not only complies with regulatory requirements but also builds lasting trust with customers, driving long-term success.


The Role of Government and Regulatory Bodies


The Indian government and regulatory bodies, such as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), play a pivotal role in shaping the data privacy landscape. Initiatives like the RBI’s data localisation mandate and the forthcoming Digital Personal Data Protection Bill emphasise the importance of protecting consumer data. The establishment of the Data Protection Authority (DPA) will further strengthen the regulatory framework, ensuring compliance and safeguarding consumer interests.




As India’s fintech sector grows, giving importance to data privacy while fostering innovation is critical. At CARD91, we are dedicated to protecting consumer data through privacy-centric practices and robust security measures, ensuring the safety and trust of our customers.

In an era where data is the new currency, excelling in data privacy is not just a legal obligation but a strategic advantage. Fintech companies that prioritise data privacy will build lasting relationships with their customers, driving long-term success in the dynamic Indian fintech landscape.


At CARD91, we are committed to creating a secure and innovative environment for financial technology in India, ensuring a sustainable and trustworthy future for the industry.


Authored by Astha Bishnoi, Manager – Partnership & Sales at CARD91

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